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Contemporary Music

mon 27 mar 2023 19:00 hrs

The outsider Horatiu Radulescu.


The Romanian-born composer Horatiu Radulescu (1942-2008) was not afraid of making provocative statements. In an interview, he once said that Pierre Boulez would live longer as an administrator than as a composer. He was sure that his own music had eternal value. Whether it is eternal remains to be seen, but it is certainly idiosyncratic, as evidenced by his piano concerto The Quest, in which Radulescu combines spectralist colors with simple folk music.

Program information:

Horatiu Radulescu – Piano Concerto The Quest, Op. 90, performed by the Rundfunk-Sinfonie-Orchester Frankfurt conducted by Lothar Zagrosek. Soloist: Ortwin Stürmer.

Horatiu Radulescu – Sonata for Piano No. 4, Op. 92 “Like a well…older than God”. Pianist: Ortwin Stürmer.

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