De Klankbron gaat om de materie, de beweging en de trilling waaruit muziek ontstaat. Vandaag aflevering 10: Meer Stemmen.
Selknam familie, Terra del Fuego
In deze aflevering van de klankbron gaat samensteller Fred Gales verder met zijn zoektocht naar uitzonderlijke vocale muziek in de Amerikas en de Stille Oceaan. Muziek van de oorspronkelijke bewoners van Amerika, de Indianen, en van de bewoners van de duizenden eilanden die in de Stille Oceaan liggen. Het gaat in deze helft van de wereld om honderden verschillende culturen elk met hun eigen muziek en die slechts gemeenschappelijk hebben dat zij bedreigd worden, op uitsterven staan of al verdwenen zijn en wiens stemklank, zoals die van de Selknam Indiaan Lola Kiepja, alleen nog op vinyl bestaat.
1. Washo – Peyote song 1’22
Comp./uitv. Not mentioned, LP An anthology of North American and Eskimo Music
Ethnic Folkways FE 4541, LP 1 A 13
Recording of the music played during the peyote rituals of the Native American Church
2. Mountain by the sea 3’09
Uitv/comp. Dan Thomas, Paul Martin
CD Ceremonial and War Dances, Laserlight
12522, track 4
Pima or Othama from Arizona. Many times
reissued originally from the sixties or earlier.
3. Honoring song 2’44
Trad./uitv. Oglala Sioux Singers
CD Ceremonial and War Dances, Laserlight
12522, track 18.
Sioux. A traditional honoring song for a leader.
Many times reissued originally from the sixties
or earlier.
4. Yei-be-chai chant 2’51
Comp,/Uitv/ Mesa Verde Group Singers
CD Ceremonial and War Dances, Laserlight
12522, track 11.
Navajo, song and dance about the benevolent
supranatural beings who bring their healing
power to medicinal ceremonies. A masked
dancer impersonate the yei and leads the other
dancers. Many times reissued originally from
the sixties or earlier.
5. Inter tribal dance song 5’43
Comp. The Red Lake singers, Uitv. The Bad
River Singers, CD Honor the Earth Powwow
Rykodisc RCD 10199, Track 8
Modern intertribal song that is handed over from
one singing and drum group to the other at
powwows or Indian festivals. This recording is
from a Great Lakes Powwow.
The Bad River Singers
6. His first hunt 2’01
Comp./Uitv. Kemukserar and Pangatkar
LP The Eskimos of Hudson Bay and Alaska
Ethnic Folkways Library FE 4444, A2
Inuit, Chesterfield Inlet, Hudson Bay, Canada,
recorded by Laura Boulton before 1954.
Lola Kiepja
7. Selknam shaman’s song 1’44
Comp./Uitv. Lola Kiepja
CD Les voix du monde, Le Chant du Monde CMX
3741010.12, CD 1 track 22
Lola Kiepja was one of the last survivors of the
Selknam Indians of Tierra del Fuego in
Argentina. In her old age there was no one
anymore she could speak her language with.
8. Invitation to kill 1’34
Comp/Uitv. not mentioned
LP Music of the Jivaro of Ecuador
Smithsonian Folkways FE 4386, B9
Whispered conversation of two Shuar men from
Ecuador contemplating an attack on an enemy.
9. Ritual of the origins 3’34
Comp./Uitv not mentioned
CD Les voix du monde, Le Chant du Monde CMX
3741010.12, CD 1 track 1
Introduction to the ritual of the origins of the
world. Tomarahô Indians – Paraguay.
10. Chant d’amour 1’09
LP Amazone Indiens Iawa-Bora
Contrepoint M.C. 20.092, A 4
The Iawa and Bora live in the Amazone region
of Peru and this song was recorded in 1952
when they still had a nomadic lifestyle and not
yet had been forced to settle down.
11. Tiwagawa 10’56
Trad./Uitv. Asurini do Xingu
CD Asurini & Arara. Brésil: Amérindiens
d’Amazonie, Ocora C 560084, track 6
Dance and song related to warfare but also
their long struggle to keep their independence
in the time they were not yet confined to the
Indian Reservation of the Xingu area in Brazil.
12. Ulumoa 4’15
Comp./Uitv. Not mentioned
CD Iles Salomon. Musique de Guadalcanal.
Ocora C 580049, track 3
Women’s dance and song from Gualdacanal in
the Rope genre referring to the island of the
13. Funeral lamentation aamamata 1’46
Comp Kaukauraro, Uitv. Aaresi, Ii’eresi
CD Les voix du monde, Le Chant du Monde CMX
3741010.12, CD 3 track 21
Funeral lament from Malaita, one of the
Solomon Islands.
14. Chant funebre 1 2’17
Uitv./Comp. Femmes de Konnga
CD Iles Salomon. Musique de Guadalcanal.
Ocora C 580049, track 21
Song of the genre Koleo funeral songs which
are sung after dead until the burial
15. Te Bino Sitting Dance 3’03
Uitv./ comp. not mentioned
CD Spirit of Micronesia, Saydisc CD-SDL 414,
track 5
Recorded on Maiana Island. One of the many
atolls which make up Kiribati, an independent
state in the Pacific that will disappear if the
global warming continues.
16. Suahongi 2’39
Trad./ Uitv. Jason Ngiusanga, Momoka, Tepuke
and the men of Bellona
CD Les voix du monde, Le Chant du Monde CMX
3741010.12, CD 3 track 29
Suahongi ritual dance is a part of the ritual
distribution of food during festivals on the
island of Bellona or Mungiki, a Polynesian
outlier in the Solomon Islands.
17. Bunun song for harvest 2’21
Trad. /Uitv. Not mentioned
CD Les voix du monde, Le Chant du Monde CMX
3741010.12, CD 3 track 6
A song necessary for a rich harvest sung by the
Bunun between the sowing and the hoeing of
the fields. It is symbolically a song to help the
plants grow and in its rising tone and volume
quite unique and only comparable to some rice
growing songs from Timor and more remote
with some Buddhist music that employs the
same structure as an aural symbol for
18. Being born 4’31
Uitv./comp. information lost, Recorded by Fred
Gales, Laos 1993
©-℗ Fred Gales / Soundreporters
A Lenten headman from a village near Luang
Nam Tha in Laos singing about the hard life
after being born especially if you belong to a
poor and often despised minority as the