De Zwervende Microfoon 21:30-22:15:
Volksmuziek uit Ivoorkust
Muziek van de Senufo, Baulé & Dan
1. Li Weri. Bolynyen Orchestrem Waragnene.
2. Volozyere
cd. Côte d’Ivoire. A Senufu – Fodonon Funerary Vigil. (1989). Auvidis-Unesco D. 8203.
3. War song
4. Song with hapr-lute accompaniment
5. Song with sanza accompaniment
6. Song of two little girls.
cd. Côte d’Ivoire, Musiquemvocale Baoule. (1993). Auvidis-Unesco D. 8048.
7. Gêêkezi Masque méchant
8. Giâ
9. Gêêglu Masque multiple
10. Gêêmaance Masque petit oiseau
cd. Côte d’Ivoire Masques Dan. (1993). Ocora. C 580048.
11. Drum Rythms
12. Sword-dance of the young girls
13. Dance of the women (a)
cd. Anthology of World Music, Africa: The Dan. (1998). Rounder 5105-2
Oriënt Express 22:15-23:00:
Traditioneel-klassieke muziek uit Tunesië
1. Flute solo
2. Solo for fretted Tunisian Lute
3. Solo for Oriental Lute
4. Solo for fretted Tunesian Lute
5. Oriental lute
6. Kânun solo
7. Rabas solo, forming part of a Bashraf
8. Zorna solo
9. Religiöser Gesang
10. Nûba oder mâlûf
Lp. A Musical Anthology of the Orient. Tunisia.
Bärenrter Musicaphon BM 30 L 2008.