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mon 20 aug 2018 19:00 hrs

An educational programme featuring early music. In today’s programme we look ahead to the Early Music Festival which takes place from August 24th till September 2nd in Utrecht.

-This is a rerun of Monday June 18th 2018.

The theme of this Festival is ‘The Burgundian Life’. This hour features music of composers who had close connections with the Burgundian court.

Hayne van Ghizeghem (ca 1445 – before 1497)
1. De tous biens plaine
Anonymous (15th century)
2. L’aultre jour par un matin
3. Adieu vous dy l’espoir
Ensemble Leones led by Marc Lewon, lute
(cd: Straight from the Heart: The Chansonnier Cordiforme. Naxos 8.573325, 2016)

Antoine Busnoys (ca 1430 – 1492)
4. A une damme j’ai fait veu
5. Resjois-toy terre de France
6. Ja que li ne se’i attende
7. Vostre beauté
8. Est-il merchy de quoi on peut finer
Orlando Consort
(cd: Antoine Busnois: Missa O Crux Lignum. Harmonia Mundi HMU 907333, 2004)

Guillaume Du Fay (1397 – 1474)
9. Helas mon dueil
10. Mille bonjours je vous presente
11. He compagnons, resvelons nous
Diabolus in Musica olv. Antoine Guerber
(cd: Mille Bonjours! Alpha 116, 2007)

12. Bassa danza a 2 (M Gulielmus)
13. Bassa danza a 2
14. Bassa danza a 3
Ulsamer Collegium
(cd: Tanzmuzik von der Renaissance bis zum Biedermeier. Universal 439 964-2, 1994; opname 1972)

15. La Franchoise nouvelle
16. La Ravestain
Les Jardins de Courtoisie olv. Anne Delafosse-Quentin, soprano.
(cd: Carnetz secretz. Ambronay AMY007, 2006)

Pierre Attaingnant
17. Basse danse La Magdalena
18. Basse danse La Brosse
Ulsamer Collegium


Picture: Dufay and Binchois


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