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sun 4 oct 2020 16:00 hrs

An educational programme featuring early music. Today, a musical portrait of the German composer Johann Walter who died 450 years ago.

In 1570, 450 years ago, the German composer Johann Walter died. He contributed like no other to the propagation of Lutheran chorales in the Protestant parts of Germany. In this episode, a musical portrait.

Johann Walter (1496-1570)
1. Nun bitten wir den heiligen Geist
2. Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein
3. Mitten wir im Leben sind mit dem Tod umfangen
Ensemble Weser-Renaissance Bremen conducted by Manfred Cordes
(CD: “Geystliches Gesangk Buchleyn” – CPO 555 134-2, 2017)

4. Fugue 7. toni a 3
5. Fugues 1. & 2. toni in diapentie a 2
6. Fugue 3. toni a 3
7. Beati immaculati in via (Psalmus CXIX) a 7
8. Magnificat 8. toni a 4
9. Wohl dem, der nicht wandelt im Rat der Gottlosen (Psalmus I) a 5
Favorit- und Capellchor Leipzig (choir), Leipzig Bläser-Collegium (brass ensemble)
(CD: “Vive Luthere – Musik der Reformation” – Querstand VKJK 9506, 1996)

Thomas Stoltzer (1485-1529)
10. Erzürne dich nicht
Syntagma Amici conducted by Bernhard Siltz
(CD: “Krummhorn, cormorne, storto, tournebout?” – Ricercar RIC 262, 2008)

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