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A farewell to Dutch recorder quartet Brisk.

Brisk (© Foppe Schut)

As the Concertzender is celebrating its fortieth anniversary, recorder quartet Brisk is saying goodbye after almost forty years.
The NRC says: ‘Anyone attending a performance by recorder quartet Brisk is bound to fall for the often maligned recorder. In their hands, the instrument sounds lively, humorous, and profound.’

Brisk has delighted us with the sonorous richness of the recording for over 38 years. At the end of December 2023, the quartet gave their final concert.


Matthew Locke (ca. 1621-1677)
1. Suite in d
– Fantazie
– Courante
– Ayre
– Saraband
Brisk: Marjan Banis, Saskia Coolen, Alide Verheij and Bert Honig, recorder
(CD The King’s Private Music. Christophorus CHR 77239)

Samuel Scheidt (1586-1654)
2. From Tabulatura Nova: Allemande ‘Also gehts, also Stehts’
3. From Ludi Musici: Paduan dolorosa
Brisk in collaboration Bernard Winsemius, organ. Susanne Braumann, Saskia Coolen and Erik Beijer, viola da gamba
(CD Schein en Scheidt German Consort Music. Globe Glo 5214)

Jacob Obrecht (1457/8-1505)
4. J’ay pris amours
Brisk: Marjan Banis, Saskia Coolen, Alide Verheij and Bert Honig, recorder
(CD Camerata Trajectina/La Caccia/Brisk. Globe Glo 6059)

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
5. Fugua on a theme by Legrenzi, BWV 574
6. Chorale Prelude ‘Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier’, BWV 731
7. Concerto in d minor, BWV, after Vivaldi
– Allegro
– Adagio e spiccato
– Largo e spiccato
– Allegro
Brisk: Marjan Banis, Susanna Borsch, Alide Verheij and Bert Honig, recorder
(CD Brisk Plays Bach. Globe Glo 5262)

Christiaan Erbach (1570-1635)
8. Ricercar noni toni

Cipriano de Rore (1515/6–1565)
9. “Ancor che col partire io me sento morire”
(CD The Spirit of Venice. Globe Glo 5235)


Pictured above: Brisk (© Foppe Schut)

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