#225. Onafhankelijke geluidskunst, radiofonische projecten en andere audio-non-visuele misverstanden en vondsten. Two shows from the Radia network; Radio Souvenir² by Radio Picnic and Samvær Under Tilsün ON ICE.
1. ³Radio Souvenir² by Radio Picnic. (Radio Campus Bruxelles).
A portrait made with the memory of Aless, Caroline, Vera, Christophe, Victor, Ychaï, Eleonora, Pauline, Franco, Vincent, Jole, Paul, Izabella, Héloïse, Arthur, Electra, Susie, Aline.
First episode of a collective memory investigation by Radio Picnic.
2. Samvær Under Tilsün ON ICE. (Radio Nova).
Samvær Under Tilsün ON ICE is a live recording of S.U.T. performing in Spikersuppa Lydgalleri, an outdoor venue for sound art and music located at a skating rink in central Oslo, Norway.
3rd of february 2018 Weather report: slightly overcast, sub-zero temperature.
Samvær Under Tilsün* is: Øyvind Mellbye and Einar Goksøyr Åsen.
Learn more about S.U.T at https://goo.gl/B8HZtQ (ENG) or www.tilsyn.se (NOR)
*Socializing Under Supervision