ma 2 nov 2020 00:00 uur
Genres: Eigentijdse muziek | Electronic Music | Elektronische muziek | experimentele muziek | Field recording | network muziek | radio kunst
Componisten/uitvoerenden: David Toop | Fangyi Liu | Steve Beresford | Valerio Tricoli
Componisten/uitvoerenden: David Toop | Fangyi Liu | Steve Beresford | Valerio Tricoli
#360. Onafhankelijke geluidskunst, radiofonische projecten en andere audio-non-visuele misverstanden en vondsten. Quarantunes XIV. Amplify2020.
- Valerio Tricoli – Angolazioni Inusuali Della Tua Camera Da Letto.
A concrete music by Valerio Tricoli. Recorded at my house in Munich, in the afternoon of July 14, 2020 Edited and composed in the morning of July 15, 2020 The piece was assembled out of three improvisations with the Revox tape recorder, inputing field-recordings, found sounds, contact microphones, feedback and a digital FM synthesizer. It starts so abruptly because I only remembered to push the record button halfway through the first take. This music hasn’t been mastered. Please adjust your volume accordingly – louder then usual, I guess -.
Released July 16, 2020.
2. Steve Beresford-David Toop – No Relation.
3. Fangyi Liu – The Window of Kamishibai.
Treatments, compilation, performance, recording 19th-21th July in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Released July 22, 2020.