#437. Presenting………Radia shows form the Archives.
Show 0222: This Means War by Andrej Ancevski. (Kanal 103)
This weeks radia show with title “This means war” is produced by Andrej Ancevski, recent kanal103 colaborator and dj that hosts morning program. About this show he says: “As the mass-media continues to spread mass paranoia over chemical and nuclear warfare, rogue nations and terrorism, the classic radio-drama on little green men butchering us all makes a comeback”.
Show 0061: Silence Radia. (Radio Campus)
This week for Radia, Radio Campus will go and plunder the silenceradio.orgdatabase.
SilenceRadio.org is a listening space dedicated to contemporary creative radio.
SilenceRadio.org offers audio pieces from composed work to “rough” material such as an interesting piece of archive or field-recording.
As a web-based project, Silenceradio could be non-geographical. But it’s not, or not completely. You can find a lot of homegrown sounds, recorded in Brussels in their collection. We tried here to put some of those together and send you the result, from Brussels, with love.