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Early Delights

mon 27 jul 2009 00:00 hrs

Your Sunday repose with pleasant early music; special delights from 5 centuries of music history. Spanish songs from he 12th century, harpsichord music by François Couperin, 17th-century songs from Rome and a concert by Dall’Abaco.

1. Songs for St. Jakobus, from the Calixtinus Codex (Santiago de Compostela, 12th century).
Vox nostra resonet.
– O adiutor.
– Dum pater familias.
Sequentia led by Benjamin Bagby & Barbara Thornton.
(DHM RD 77199, 1992)
2. François Couperin (1668-1733).
From Pièces de clavecin (1717):
Les Baricades Mistérieuses, vivement.
– L’Adolescente.
– Les Délices.
– La Basque.
– La Chazé, tres lié, sans lenteur.
Frédérick Haas, harpsichord (Jean-Henry Hemsch, 1751).
(Alpha 136, 2008)
3. Luigi Rossi (ca.1597-1653).
– Un ferito cavaliero.
Virgilio Mazzochi (Rome, 17th century).
Improvisatie – Sdegno campion audace.
Suzie Le Blanc, soprano. Tragicomedia.
(Vanguard Classics 99140, 2000)
4. Evaristo Felice Dall’Abaco (1675-1742).
Concerto V:
– Allegro.
– Grave.
– Allegro assai.
– Rondeau Allegro.
Il Tempio Armonico led by Alberto Rasi.
(Stradivarius STR 33746, 2006)

harpsichord, early 18th century

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