Early Music Actua | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Early Music Actua

thu 11 dec 2008 18:00 hrs
Composer: Giulio Caccini

Special attention to a new and remarkable CD from the world of early music. The world premiere on CD of the L’Euridice opera by Guilio Caccini, by the young ensemble Scherzi Musicali led by Nicolas Achten.

Giulio Caccini (1551-1618).
L’Euridice, Composta in Stile Rappresentativo (1600).
1. Prologo.
2. Atto primo.
Scena prima.
Scena seconda.
Scena terza.
3. Atto secondo.
Scena quarta.
Scherzi Musicali led by Nicolas Achten, Orfeo and theorbe.
Euridice: Celine Vieslet, soprano.
Tragedia, Daphne: Magid El-Buhsra, countertenor.
Ninfa, Proserpina: Laurence Renson, mezzo-soprano.
Arceto, Caronte: Reinoud van Mechelen, tenor.
Tirsi, Aminta, Plutone: Olivier Berten, baritone.
Sarah Ridy, triple harp.
Eriko Semba, bass gamba, lirone.
Simon Linne, lute, theorbe en guitar.
Francesco Corti, harpsichord and organ.
label: Ricercar RIC 269, 2008.

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