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Early Delights

A Sunday hour with early music goodies. Today we present mostly music from the 17th and early 18th century.

Benedict Anton Aufschnaiter (1665 – 1742)
1 From Concors discordia (1695): Serenade a 5 in a m.
– I Ouverture allegro – presto
– II Air
– III Rondeau
– IV Bourrée
– V Menuet
L’Orfeo Barochorchester led by Michi Gaigg
(CD: Benedict Anton Aufschnaiter – Serenades. CPO 999 457-2, 1997/2000; recorded in 1996)

Jean Baptiste Loeillet (1688 – ca 1720)
2 Sonata for recorder, oboe and b.c., op. 2 no 6, in c m.
– I Largo
– II Allegro
– III Adagio
– IV Allegro
Patrick Denecker, recorder; Marcel Ponseele, oboe; ensemble La Caccia
(CD: Loeillet – Sonatas & Triosonatas. Musica Ficta MF8007, 2006)

Bartolomeo Barbarino (approx. 1568 – after 1640)
3 Bella è la donna mia
4 Filli mia dove ten vai
5 Alma mia dove ten via
Vivante (Tore Tom Denys and Erik Leidal, tenor. Christopher Dickie, theorbo, guitar. Anne Marie Dragosits, harpsichord, organ. Daniel Pilz, viola da gamba, guitar. Reinhild Waldek, harp)
(CD: Bella è la donna mia. Deutsche Harmonia Mundi 88875102932, 2015)

Giovanni Priuli (1575 – 1626)
6 Canzona prima a 8
7 Sonata prima a 8
8 Canzona prima a 6
Oltremontano olv Wim Becu
(cd: Lambert de Sayve – Sacred music. Etcetera Records KTC 4022, 2007/2019)

Giovanni Battista Draghi (1640 – 1708)
9 Triosonate in g m.
– I Adagio
– II Canzone
– III Adagio
– IV Allegro vivace adagio
La Rêveuse
(CD: London circa 1700 – Purcell & his generation. Mirare MIR 368, 2019)

John Blow (1649 – 1708)
10 Ground in g m.
La Rêveuse
(CD: London circa 1700 – Purcell & his generation. Mirare MIR 368, 2019)


Photo: Oltremontano


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