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An Ox on the Roof

sun 6 dec 2020 12:00 hrs
Composer: Kaija Saariaho

An Ox on the Roof 21: An Ox in times of the coronavirus #8. 


Today, the twenty-first episode of An Ox on the Roof of Thea Derks, based on her book Een os op het dak: moderne muziek na 1900 in vogelvlucht (a sketch of modern music after 1900).

The famous Amstel Quartet recently presented its CD American Dream, containing music of five North American composers. De title seems to have an ironic intention, since president Trump did everything in his power to shatter the American Dream.

All the more reason to enjoy music, such as the cycle (in eight parts) Tapas of Marc Mellitis, with which the CD opens. As the title implies, it consists of eight widely divergent ‘bits of music’, varying from driving minimalism to graceful lyricism, and muffled lamentation.

New as well, is the portrait CD All English Music is Greensleeves, with five pieces of the Flemish Maya Verlaak who studied composition at the Royal Conservatoire The Hague, and graduated from the University of Birmingham. The title All English Music is Greensleeves was derived from the remark of a teacher, who joked that English composers in fact always produce new versions of Greensleeves.

Bass clarinettist Fie Schouten continues to work hard making music. On 3 November, the evening that the Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte proclaimed that concert halls would again be closed, she presented her CD Nature, containing six pieces of six different composers round the nature theme.

Among which Oi Kuu for bass clarinet and cello of Kaija Saariaho, of whom we heard violin concerto Graal Théâtre in the last episode.

Quintet for A-Clarinet and String Quartet of the American composer Margaret Brouwer is not new, but still worth listening to. She was born in Ann Harbor, Michigan, in 1940. Also in this ‘swing state’ Trump tried – in vain – to bend the election results to his will.

Tip: als u de Os aanschaft via de website krijgt u per omgaande een exemplaar met persoonlijke opdracht.


1. Marc Mellitis. Tapas.
Amstel Quartet

2. Maya Verlaak. All English Music is Greensleeves.
Apartment House. 

3. Kaija Saariaho. Oi Kuu.
Fie Schouten, bass clarinet. Eva van de Pol, cello. 

4. Margaret Brouwer. Quintet for A-Clarinet and String Quartet.
Blue Streak Ensemble.


Montage, compilation and hosting: Thea Derks. 

Produced & presented by:
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