Special rond het werk van de Engelse ‘composer and sound-artist’ Luke Deane.
Luke Deane likes to perform what he writes and he likes to write all kinds of things. Deane has performed on stages, in art galleries, car parks, over a network and even on a departing train. Deane recently released a series of electronic pieces called "The Map" and his next release "Fire" is almost complete. His work often revolves around family, faith, the aural tradition of melody, or the principle that less-is-less and more-is-more.
Fire (October 2012)
1. The Great Wave/Lullabye Black.
2. Fire.
3. It’s No Coincidence.
4. The Sofa Factory II.
5. White March.
6. Away II.
7. Everyone Knows, I am in a Cave.
8. I saw a Rune.
9. Arrival.
10. 3 by 4.
The Map (May 2012)
1. Speak to me.
2. I was locked out of my house.
3. I am in a cave.