wo 17 apr 2013 23:00 uur
Componisten/uitvoerenden: Aernoudt Jacobs | Anne Wellmer | Annette Krebs | Chiyoko Sziavnics | Julia Eckhardt | Manfred Werder | Manu Holterbach | Mieke Lambrigts | Olivier Toulemonde | Tim Parkinson
What do you make of what I say: a succession of sound recordings and reflections made over the course of one year /2009/ by ten artists.
1. Chiyoko Sziavnics. A Room Inside A Room: Re-sonace.
2. Mieke Lambrigts. Teufelskreis.
3. Manfred Werder. 28 Rue De La Buanderie, June 19 of 2009, 10:28 pm to 10:35 pm.
4. Tim Parkinson. Melodica And Percussion.
5. Olivier Toulemonde. Observation Report-09-11-09.
6. Manu Holterbach. -.
7. Aernoudt Jacobs. Echelon #9.
8. Anne Wellmer. 2009 Sparkles….
9. Annette Krebs. In Between.
Album: /2009/
Concept and Realisation: Julia Eckhardt.
Label: Compost and Height.