De maandelijkse bijdrage van onze Berlijnse elektronica correspondent Richard Hudgins, met muziek van o.a. Klara Lewis, Loops Haunt, Clark, Joey Anderson en Brett Naucke.
01. Altered. Klara Lewis. Ett. Editions Mego.
02. You will soon discover how truly fortunate you are. Bitchin Bajas & Bonnie Prince Billy. Epic Jammers and Fortunate Little Ditties. Drag City, Palace Records.
03. Fissure. Loops Haunt. Exits. Black Acre.
04. Tymadlyb. Loops Haunt. Exits. Black Acre.
05. The Frontier (high Desert Synthapella). Avalon Emerson. Whities 006.
06. Strangled to Death in a Public Toliet. Clark. The Last Panthers. Warp.
07. Upward Evaporation. Clark . The Last Panthers. Warp.
08. Invisible Switch. Joey Anderson. Dekmantel.
09. Up form the Sun. Brett Naucke. Seed. Spectrum Spools.
10. Seed. Brett Naucke. Seed. Spectrum Spools.
11. Reflecting Lights. The Field. The Follower. Kompakt.