Componisten/uitvoerenden: Andrea Ritorno | Christopher Willits | Hiroshi Yoshimura | Ian Urbina | Jo Johnson | Leif | LF58 | Minor Science | Penelope Trappes | Wanderwelle | Wata Igarashi
De tweemaandelijkse bijdrage vanuit Cleveland, Ohio van onze elektronica correspondent Richard Hudgins. Met muziek van Leif, Christopher Willits & Ian Urbina, Penelope Trappes, LF58, Wanderwelle, Hiroshi Yoshimura, Jo Johnson, Wata Igarash, Andrea Ritorno en Minor Science.
01. Ann, Paul. Leif. Music for Screen Tests. Whities.
02. The Unknown Sea. Christopher Willits & Ian Urbina. Self-released.
03. Gnostic State. Penelope Trappes. Longform Editions.
04. Iniziazione. LF58. Alterazione. Astral Industries.
05. Presumed Lost. Wanderwelle. A State Of Decrepitude. A Strangely Isolated Place.
06. Feel. Hiroshi Yoshimura. Green. Sona Gaia Productions.
07. Discontent Arises From a Knowledge of the Possible. Jo Johnson. Self-released.
08. Las Ventanas Abiertas. Wata Igarashi. WorldWideWindow. Enisslab Studio.
09. Attimo. Andrea Ritorno. Illian Tape.
10. Voiced and Unvoiced. Minor Science. Second Language. Whities.