Componisten/uitvoerenden: Cynthia Bernard | David Edren | Dub Squad | Jonathan Fitoussi | Milan W. | MPU101 | nobile | Not Waving | Novel | Serafina Steer | Skee Mask | upsammy | Valentino Mora
De tweemaandelijkse bijdrage vanuit Cleveland, Ohio van onze elektronica correspondent Richard Hudgins. Met muziek van onder andere Valentino Mora, Jonathan Fitoussi, Serafina Steer, upsammy en MPU101.
01. Opening. David Edren. Binnenin. Black Sweat Records.
02. water splashed stone. marine eyes. songs for incense. Cynthia Bernard.
03. From The Weary Earth To The Sapphire Walls. Not Waving & Romance. Wings Of Desire. Ecstatic.
04. MDP1. Skee Mask. D. Skee Mask / SCNTST.
05. Equinox feat. Leo Abrahams. Serafina Steer. Drinking from The Pools Of Night. Fire Records.
06. Data. Milan W. Intact. JJ Funhouse.
07. Sottaceti di mare che si generano in un burrone sotterraneo. nobile. FANTASTICO INTERIORE. OOH-sounds.
08. Spiral Biting Its Tail. upsammy. Strange Meridians. topo2.
09. JAN24onNE375. MPU101. ITX035 – MPU105. ILIAN TAPE.
10. APEX CA 91352. MPU101. ITX035 – MPU105. ILIAN TAPE.
11. Extravagate (Metaphysical Essence Mix). Valentino Mora. Ash Walk. IDO Records.
12. Lord Of The Isles. Novel. Horta Sud. Lapsus Records.
13. Bras de Secours. Jonathan Fitoussi. Mobilis. Transversales Disques.
14. Blown Fruit. Dub Squad. Virtual Dreams II: Ambient Explorations In The House & Techno Age, Japan 1993-1999. Music From Memory.