Clavinetto. Clavier music from the 14th and 15th centuries. With Corina Marti on claviciterium and Christophe Deslignes on organetto.
Guillaume Dufay (1397-1474).
1. Ce jour le doibt.
2. Preambulum super d.
3. Redeuntes in la.
4. Tandernaken.
5. Benedicite almechtiger got.
Corina Marti, claviciterium. Michal Gondko, lute.
Gherardello da Firenze.
6. I’vo bene.
naar Francesco Landini (1325-1397).
7. Intermezzo.
8. Amor cal tuo sogetto ognor mi trovo.
9. Istampita Isabella.
Christophe Deslignes, organetto. Thierry Gomar, percussion.
10. Wilhelmus legrant.
11. Redeuntes in idem mi de eadem mensura.
Johann Schlend.
12. Ich stond an einem morgen.
Hans Buchner (1483-1538).
13. Enzindt in la.
Paul Hofhaimer (1459-1537).
14. Tandernack uf dem rin lag.
Corina Marti, claviciterium. Michal Gondko, lute.
Gaucelm Faidit (14th century).
15. Jamais nuill tems.
16. Improvisaties op Quis dabit occuli mei.
Millenarium: Carole Matras, zang en harp. Christophe Deslignes, organetto. Thierry Gomar, percussion.
17. Estampida de Rocamadour.
Christophe Deslignes, organetto. Thierry Gomar, percussion.
Christophe Deslignes