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Genius Music Friends

tue 4 feb 2020 20:00 hrs

Genius Music Friends Episode XXI

It wasn’t just Mozart who wrote music for a Tischflötenuhr (pictured), Haydn did so too. In a piece which he later used in his Symphony No. 101, nicknamed the ‘The Clock’. The Tischflötenuhr in question is now part of the permanent collection of the Speelklok Museum in Utrecht. In this episode you’ll hear a recording of Haydn himself.

During his last living year, 1791, Mozart wrote a lot of music for unusual instruments and combinations. For example, an aria for vocal bass with an exceptionally virtuous obligatory part for contra bass. Unheard of at the time. You’ll also hear three pieces by Mozart, performed by forgotten pianist Walter Klien. These pieces are playful variations on a big hit number and two sublime expressions of tranquil melancholy.


Joseph Haydn: Minuet for a musical clock, H XIX:29


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Osmins aria from Die Entführung aus dem Serail, KV 384

Ezio Pinza, bass

Metropolitan Opera Orchestra

Bruno Walter


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: ‘In diesen heil’gen Hallen’, aria from Die Zauberflöte, KV 620

Kurt Moll, bass

Wiener Philharmoniker

Sir Georg Solti


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Aria ‘Per questa bella mano’, KV 612

Ezio Maria Tisi, bass

European Chamber Orchestra

Wilhelm Keitel


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: 8 Variations on ‘Ein Weib, das ist das herrlichste Ding auf der Welt’ KV 613

Walter Klien, piano


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Adagio in B minor KV 540

Rondo in A minor KV 511

Walter Klien, piano

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