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Genius Music Friends

tue 5 may 2020 20:00 hrs

Cannebich and Mozart

Mozart and Haydn said goodbye with moist eyes. On his way to London, Haydn first travelled to Munich, where he met Christian Cannebich (see portrait). Small world, because Cannebich was also a good friend of Mozart’s. He admired him as a conductor and composer. And gave piano lessons to Cannebich’s daughter Rosa, for whom he wrote a sonata. Mozart and Cannebich also worked together intensively on the production of Mozart’s revolutionary new opera Idomeneo.


Christian Cannebich: Symphony no. 47 in G major Finale

Nikolaus Esterhazy Sinfonia

Uwe Grodd


Idem: Symphony no. 50 Part I

Nikolaus Esterhazy Sinfonia

Uwe Grodd


W.A. Mozart: Piano Sonata in C major KV 309

Maria João Pires, piano


W.A.Mozart: Idomeneo, Re dit Creta, KV 366 2nd act, aria Idomeneo: ‘Fuor del mar’

Anthony Rolfe Johnson, tenor

The English Baroque Soloists

John Eliot Gardiner


Idem: 2e bedrijf, aria Ilia ‘Se il padre perdei’

Silvia McNair, soprano

The English Baroque Soloists

John Eliot Gardiner


Idem: 3rd act, quartet ‘Andró ramingo e solo’

Silvia McNair, soprano

Anne Sofie von Otter, mezzo

Hillevi Martinpelto, soprano

Anthony Rolfe Johnson, tenor

The English Baroque Soloists

John Eliot Gardiner


Idem: 2nd act, choir ‘Qual nuovo terrore’

The Monteverdi Choir

The English Baroque Soloists

John Eliot Gardiner


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