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thu 23 jan 2020 21:00 hrs
Composer: André Jolivet

Works by the French composer André Jolivet (1905-1974).

1. Concertino for trumpet, strings and piano (1948).
Reinhold Friedrich, trumpet. Thomas Duis, piano.
Members of the Deutsches Symphonie Orchester Berlin led by Lutz Köhler.

2. String Quartet (1934).
Svetlin Roussev & Eric Lacrouts, violin. Cédric Catrisse, viola. Delphine Biron, cello.

3. Sonatine (1965), for flute and clarinet.
Anna Noakes, flute. Leslie Craven, clarinet.

4. Trumpet concert no. 2 (1954).
Reinhold Friedrich, trumpet. Deutsches Symphonie Orchester Berlin led by Lutz Köhler.

5. Fantaisie-Caprice (1953), for flute and piano.
Anna Noakes, flute. Kathron Sturrock, piano.




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