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thu 5 nov 2020 23:00 hrs

A meditation to contemporary music.

Silently and unthinkingly

the rain licks the leaves

crossing the land shyly.

But the tree

it stretches its arms

and its feet in the sand.


Playlist 20201105 2300 Kairos 123

00:04 – 05:21  Yukon Onoma. ALas! Alas! Album ‘Until the Northern Light Takes Us’. Munich Records.

00:37 – 00:44  Lyenn. Staggering Heights (fragment). Album ‘Adrift’. Near Gale Records – WasteMyRecords.

00:53 – 01:00  Lyenn. Staggering Heights (fragment). Album ‘Adrift’. Near Gale Records – WasteMyRecords.

01:09 – 01:15  Lyenn. Staggering Heights (fragment). Album ‘Adrift’. Near Gale Records – WasteMyRecords.

01:48 – 01:54  Lyenn. Staggering Heights (fragment). Album ‘Adrift’. Near Gale Records – WasteMyRecords.

03:26 – 03:32  Lyenn. Staggering Heights (fragment). Album ‘Adrift’. Near Gale Records – WasteMyRecords.

05:03 – 09:13  Lyenn. Staggering Heights. Album ‘Adrift’. Near Gale Records – WasteMyRecords.

08:35 – 15:05  Yukon Onoma. If Any Man Have An Ear Let Him Hear. Album ‘Until the Northern Light Takes Us’. Munich Records.

14:44 – 18:53  Richard Bolhuis. The Mad Sisters. House of Cosy Cushions. Album ‘Bliss’. Outcast Cats.

18:24 – 19:06  Howard Skempton. The Flight of Song – The Arrow and the Song (fragment). The Choir of Queens’ College, Cambridge. Album ‘Flightof Song’. Guild Music Ltd, GMCD 7213.

18:46 – 35:15  Med Gen. Brook (slightly adapted). Album ‘Terrapy’. Pantheon.

19:49 – 20:18  Howard Skempton. The Flight of Song – The Arrow and the Song (slightly altered fragment). The Choir of Queens’ College, Cambridge. Album ‘Flightof Song’. Guild Music Ltd, GMCD 7213.

30:06 – 30:33  Howard Skempton. The Flight of Song – The Arrow and the Song (altered fragment). The Choir of Queens’ College, Cambridge. Album ‘Flightof Song’. Guild Music Ltd, GMCD 7213.

34:10 – 35:14  Howard Skempton. The Flight of Song – The Arrow and the Song (fragment). The Choir of Queens’ College, Cambridge. Album ‘Flightof Song’. Guild Music Ltd, GMCD 7213.

34:54 – 39:49  Remy van Kesteren. Waves. Album ‘Amber’. Snowstar Records.

39:02 – 43:29  Faten Kanaan. Hesperides. Album ‘A Mythology Of Circles. Fire Records.

42:33 – 46:40  Vanity Productions. Devils on the Back Posh. Album ‘But All Spiked’. Posh Isolation 242.

44:05 – 45:36  Faten Kanaan. Hesperides (altered fragment). Album ‘A Mythology Of Circles. Fire Records.

45:25 – 48:33  Paul Haslinger. Mirror. EP ‘Austerlitz’. Fire Records.

47:57 – 53:43  Fink. That’s how I see you now. Album ’Bloom Innocent’. R’Coup’D/DGR.

52:39 – 59:57  Highland Spokesman. Sounds 03 three (fragment). Album ‘Sounds’. Pantheon.

53:43 – 55:42  Högni. Dragdu Mig. Album ‘Two Trains’. Erased Tapes Records eratp103.

55:55 – 59:57  Remy vanKesteren. Walking across the Atlantic. Album ‘Amber’. Snowstar Records.



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