Let’s hear it | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Let’s hear it

wed 13 jul 2016 07:00 hrs

Recent CD releases. Works by Ian Wilson & James Dunlop.

07:00 Ian Wilson. Bewitched.
Deirdre Moynihan, soprano. The Rice Ensemble.
[Limb Records LFL004]


07:25 Ian Wilson. Tundra.
Mark O’Keeffe, trumpet. Realisation Ian Wilson and Jürgen Simpson.
[Limb Records LFL001]


08:05 Ian Wilson. School.
ConTempo String Quartet.
[Limb Records LFL005]


08:15 James Dunlop. Ascension.
Portsmouth Cathedral Choir led by David Price.
[Riverwood Air Music RAWCD 01]


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