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We don’t often hear symphonies from the USA, but under Serge Koussevitzky, the Boston Symphony Orchestra frequently premiered new symphonies. Partially thank’s to Koussevitzky, American was rich in symphonies around the mid 20th century. And it was certainly not the work of mere imitators. This afternoon, we’ll delve into something intriguing: music of American origin from the 1930s.

Programme details:

  1. Roy Harris (1898 – 1979) Symphony No. 3
    New York Philharmonic, conducted by Leonard Bernstein
  2. William Schuman (1910 – 1992) Symphony No. 3
    New York Philharmonic, conducted by Leonard Bernstein
  3. Colin McPhee (1900 – 1964) ‘Tabuh-Tabuhan’, Toccata For Orchestra
    Eastman-Rochester Orchestra conducted by Howard Hanson


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