Madge-point | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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sun 1 may 2016 10:00 hrs

Piano virtuoso Geoffrey Madge is talking to host Louis Thörig about different performance techniques.
Episode 58.

1. Domenico Scarlatti – Sonate in g majorK 55
Vladimir Horowitz
2. Vladimir Horowitz – Carmen Fantasy
Vladimir Horowitz
3. Moritz Moszkovski – Étincelles op. 36 no. 6
Vladimir Horowitz
4. Sergei Rachmaninoff – Piano concerto no. 3
a. Begin – Sergei Rachmaninoff
Philadelphia Orchestra conducted by Eugene Ormandy. recording from 1941.
b. Begin – Vladimir Horowitz; Hollywood Bowl Symphony Orchestra conducted by Serge Koussevitsky; live recording from 1950
c. Begin – Vladimir Horowitz; New York Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra conducted by Sir John Barbirolli, live recording from 1941
d. Begin – Van Cliburn and Philharmonoc Orchestra from Moscow conducted by Kirill Kondrashin, live recording from 1958
e. Complete – Vladimir Horowitz; London Symphony Orchestra conducted by Albert Coates, historic recording from 1930.
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