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sun 3 may 2020 10:00 hrs

Episode 161 is dedicated to the Polish pianist Witold Malecuzynski, who lived from 1914 to 1977. He was admired, in particular, for his performances of the works of Chopin and Liszt.

Master pianist Geoffrey Madge and Concertzender’s Louis Thörig share views on remarkable musicians past and present.



  1. Chopin. Piano Concerto no. 2 in F minor, opus 21. Witold Malcuzinsky on piano. Philharmonia Orchestra led by Paul Kletzki.
  2. Liszt. Piano Concert no. 2 in A. Witold Malcuzinsky on piano. Philharmonia Orchestra led by Walter Susskind.
  3. Chopin. Mazurka opus 67, no. 4 in A minor. Witold Malcuzinsky on piano.


Compilation: Geoffrey Madge
Technique: Marco Wensveen

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We will repeat this programme Thursday 7 May 2020 from 11.00 – 12.00 CET.

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