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sun 17 mar 2024 10:00 hrs

Episode 244 will feature, among other performances, a performance by the Philadelphia Orchestra conducted by Sir John Barbirolli. They perform Rachmaninoff’s Piano concerto no.3. with soloist Vladimir Horowitz.



  1. a) Rachmaninoff himself performs his Piano concerto no.3 with the Philadelphia Orchestra conducted by Eugene Ormandy. First three minutes.
  2. b) Rachmaninoff’s Piano concerto no.3 with Vladimir Horowitz, piano and the New York Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Sir John Barbirolli in 1941. First three minutes.
  3. Sergei Rachmaninoff: Piano concerto no. 3 in D, Op. 30.
    Vladimir Horowitz, piano; New York Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Sir John Barbirolli
  4. a) Franz Liszt: Au bord d’une source
    Vladimir Horowitz, piano
  5. b) Camille Saint-Saëns: Dance Macabre, Op. 40
    Vladimir Horowitz, piano
  6. Carl Czerny: Variations for piano, Op. 33 “La Ricordanza, Variazioni sopra un Tema di Rode”
    Vladimir Horowitz, piano

Tech: Marco Wensveen

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