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fri 15 nov 2024 20:00 uur

World music, compiled by Stan Rijven.

Music from Cameroon • Episode 21: Los Camaroes (part 1)

Los Camaroes started in the town of Maroua, in the north of Cameroon, at the end of the sixties. They travelled to the capital and turned the national music scene upside down, leading to sold out night clubs and big hits on the radio. The success of the band was mostly down to two key figures: band leader Jean Gabari and singer / guitar player Messi Martin.




1  Nyangue Tu (Disques africambiance AA190) 3’15

2  Amu dze (Disques africambiance AA151) 3’13

3  Bekono Nga N_konda (Sonafric SAF1501) 4’31
4  Mengala Maurice (Sonafric SAF 1501) 3’49

5  Mwehel Me Aloum (Sonafric SAF1507) 1‘41

6  Kodi (Sonafric SAF1510) 2’45

7  Messi Mbala (Sonafric SAF1524) 2’37

8  Jeannine (Sonafric SAF1527) 4’44

9  Kundug bidza bidza (Sonafric SAF1527) 2’48

10 Wongele mba (Sonafric SAF1537) 4’27

11 Boo a nun muna (Sonafric SAF1542) 3’11

12 Ma Wde Wa (Sonafric SAF1543) 3’34

13 Mundjan (Sonafric SAF1555) 4’14


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