Missa et cetera | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Missa et cetera

mon 20 apr 2015 11:00 hrs

Western religious music from different centuries. Religious works by Igor Stravinsky in historical recordings.

Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971)
1. Psalm Symfony (version 1948)
Part I. Exaudi orationem meam, Psalm 38 vers 13 en 14
Part II. Expectans expectavi Dominum, Psalm 39 vers 1 till 3
Part III. Alleluja, laudate Dominum, Psalm 150
English Bach Festival Chorus and the London Symphony Orchestra led by Leonard Bernstein
(Sony Music 1977)
2. Babel
John Colicus, narrator. Festival Singers of Toronto led by Elmer Iseler
3. Credo
Gregg Smith Singers led by Gregg Smith
4. Choral and 5 variations on Bach’s "Vom Himmel hoch da komm’ ich her"
Festival Singers of Toronto led by Elmer Iseler
(Sony Classics 1972)
5. Requiem Canticles (1965-1966)
– Prelude
– Exaudi
– Dies Irae
– Tuba mirum
– Interlude
– Rex tremendae
– Lacrimosa
– Postlude
Sophia van Sante, mezzo soprano. Günter Reich, bass. Dutch Chamber Choir and the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra led by Bernhard Haitink
(Q-disc 1969)

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