Missa et cetera | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Missa et cetera

mon 7 sep 2015 11:00 hrs

Western religious music from different centuries. Parts from two 7-part cycles from the Early Baroque: Membra Jesu nostri by Buxtehude and Lachrimae or Seaven Teares by Dowland.

This is a rerun of March 29, 2015.
Johann Rosenmüller (ca.1619-1684)
1. Sinfonia XI
Dietrich Buxtehude (ca.1637-1707)
Uit Membra Jesu nostri, BuxWV 75:
2. I. Ad pedes
3. II. Ad genua
Choir of Radio Svizzeria, Sonatori de la Gioiosa Marca en Accademia Strumentale Italiana olv. Diego Fasolis
(Naxos 8.553787, 1997)
John Dowland (1563-1626)
From Lachrimae or Seaven Teares (1604):
4. Lachrimae Tristes
5. Lachrimae Coactae
6. Lachrimae Amantis
Hathor Consort led by Romina Lischka
(FUG 718, 2013)
Dietrich Buxtehude
From Membra Jesu nostri, BuxWV 75:
7. III. Ad manus
8. IV. Ad latus
Choir of Radio Svizzeria, Sonatori de la Gioiosa Marca en Accademia Strumentale Italiana led by Diego Fasolis
(Naxos 8.553787, 1997)

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