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Missa etcetera

zo 8 mei 2011 18:00 uur
Genre: Renaissance
Componisten/uitvoerenden: Georg Friedrich Händel | John Blow

Religieuze muziek uit de Barok. Anthems van Händel en Blow.

1. Georg Friedrich Händel (1685-1759).
– Anthem no. 8 ‘O come, let us sing unto the Lord’.
Patrizia Kwella, sopraan. James Bowman, alt. Ian Partridge, tenor. The Sixteen Choir and Orchestra olv. Harry Christophers.
John Blow (1649-1708).
2. Anthem ‘Cry aloud and spare not’.
3. Anthem ‘Lord, who shall dwell in thy tabernacle’.
4. Anthem ‘I said in the cutting off of my days’.
Robin Blaze, countertenor. Joseph Cornwell en William Kendall, tenor. Stephen Varcoe en Stephan Alder, bariton. The Parley of Instruments en Winchester Cathedral Choir olv. David Hill.

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