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Missa etcetera

thu 22 aug 2024 22:00 hrs

Religious Music. Motets, a penitential psalm, and a Geistliches Konzert by four lesser-known late 16th and early 17th-century composers from the German-speaking region: Georg Christoph Strattner, Valentin Molitor, Leonhard Lechner, and Melchior Franck.

Georg Christoph Strattner (1644/45-1704)
1. Geistliches Konzert ‘O Gott, du Ursprung aller liebe’
Performed by: Miriam Feuersinger, soprano. Alexander Schneider, countertenor. Daniel Schreiber, tenor. Markus Gleich, bass. Les Escapades conducted by Cosimo Stawiarski
(CDlabel: Christophorus CHR 77454)

Valentin Molitor (1637-1713)
From ‘Epinicion Marianum’ (1683, Sankt Gallen):
2. Motet Viderrunt omnes fines terrae
3. Motet Tota pulchra es amica mea
Performed by: Basler Madrigalisten and Musica Fiorita conducted by Daniela Dolci
(CDlabel: Pan Classics PC 10313)

Leonhard Lechner (ca. 1553-1606)
Kronborg-Motets (1583)
4. In Laudem Regii Fortis
5. In Connexum Regiarum Literarum
6. In Symbola Regis et Reginae
Performed by: Ensemble Officium conducted by Wilfried Rombach
(CDlabel: Christophorus CHR 77367)

Melchior Franck (1580-1639)
7. Penitential Psalm 39 ‘Herr, straff mich nicht in deinem Zorn’ (From seven penitential psalms, 1615)
Performed by: Weser-Renaissance Bremen conducted by Marfred Cordes
(CDlabel: CPO 777181-2)

Leonhard Lechner (ca. 1553-1606)
8. ‘Nun schein, du Glanz der Herrlichkeit’
Performed by: Athesinus Consort Berlin conducted by Klaus-Martin Bresgott
(CDlabel: Carus 83.384)

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