Morning Edition | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Morning Edition

Works by Arcangelo Corelli, Dietrich Buxtehude, Johann Philipp Krieger, John Christopher Pepusch, Georg Friedrich Händel, Johann Sebastian Bach.

 07:01 Chamber sonatas, opus 2

Arcangelo Corelli
The Avison Ensemble: Caroline Balding, violin; Richard Tunnicliffe, cello; Paula Chateauneuf, lute; Roger Hamilton, harpsichord, organ; led by Pavlo Beznosiuk, violin.

 08:16 Suite in A, BuxWV deest

Dietrich Buxtehude
Simone Stella, harpsichord.

 08:25 Suite in A, BuxWV243

Dietrich Buxtehude
Simone Stella, harpsichord.

 08:35 Sonata no. 3, opus 2.

Johann Philipp Krieger
Kerstin Linder-Dewan, violin; Jordi Comellas, viola da gamba; Alberto Martinez Molina, harpsichord.

 08:42 Sonata no. 5, opus 2.

Johann Philipp Krieger
Kerstin Linder-Dewan, violin; Jordi Comellas, viola da gamba; Alberto Martinez Molina, harpsichord.

 08:48 Sonate no. 1, opus 2.

Johann Philipp Krieger
Kerstin Linder-Dewan, violin; Jordi Comellas, viola da gamba; Alberto Martinez Molina, harpsichord.

 08:58 Concerto á 6 for cello, violin, fagot, strings and basso continuo, in F.

John Christopher Pepusch
The Harmonious Society of Tickel-Fiddle Gentlemen led by Robert Rawson.

 09:05 Concerto Grossso for violin, strings and basso continuo, in B.

John Christopher Pepusch
The Harmonious Society of Tickel-Fiddle Gentlemen led by Robert Rawson.

 09:14 Concerto violin, strings and basso continuo, in A.

John Christopher Pepusch
The Harmonious Society of Tickel-Fiddle Gentlemen led by Robert Rawson.

 09:23 Suite no. 8, in F, HWV 433.

Georg Friedrich Händel
Lisa Smirnova, piano.

 09:35 Suite no.1, in A, HWV 426.

Georg Friedrich Händel
Lisa Smirnova, piano.

 09:46 Widerstehe doch der Sünde, BWV 54.

Johann Sebastian Bach
Andreas Scholl, countertenor. Collegium Vocale Gent led by Philippe Herreweghe.

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