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Musicians Corner

mon 9 oct 2017 22:00 hrs
Composers: Igor Stravinsky | Perotinus

Interview with a Dutch jazz musician. Today: Hans Hasebos.

Photo: Lisa Schonewille

Hans Hasebos (1956) is a composer, producer, percussionist -especially vibraphone and marimba- keyboard player, soprano saxophone player and singer. He started out playing pop music, studied classical percussion, played in the Dutch improv scene, works in theatre, composes music for various ensembles and produces audio productions for theatre and film. He performed with many Dutch improv musicians, such as Wiek Hijmans, Michiel Scheen, Corrie van Binsbergen, Ernst Glerum, and so on.


1 Hans Hasebos, Kees van der Zwaard: Buiten wonen

2 Yonekawa Toshiko, Koto: Rodukan

3 Beck: Hollywood Freaks

4 the Grooop: Talkative – beach version

5 Chief Baonoko and men recorded by Hugh Tracey: Yando

6 Perotin: Veni Creator Spiritus

7 Composed by Hans Hasebos: Domestic, for Jörgen van Rijen

8 Stravinsky: final of The Rite of Spring

9 the Beatles: She said she said

1 Hans Hasebos, Kees van der Zwaard: Buiten wonen
2 Yonekawa Toshiko, Koto: Rodukan
3 Beck: Hollywood Freaks
4 the Grooop: Talkative – beach version
5 Chief Baonoko and men recorded by Hugh Tracey: Yando
6 Perotin – Veni Creator Spiritus –
7 Compositie Hans Hasebos: Domestic voor Jörgen van Rijen
8 Stravinsky: slot Le sacre du printemps
9 Beatles: She said She said

1 Hans Hasebos, Kees van der Zwaard: Buiten wonen
2 Yonekawa Toshiko, Koto: Rodukan
3 Beck: Hollywood Freaks
4 the Grooop: Talkative – beach version
5 Chief Baonoko and men recorded by Hugh Tracey: Yando
6 Perotin – Veni Creator Spiritus –
7 Compositie Hans Hasebos: Domestic voor Jörgen van Rijen
8 Stravinsky: slot Le sacre du printemps
9 Beatles: She said She said

1 Hans Hasebos, Kees van der Zwaard: Buiten wonen
2 Yonekawa Toshiko, Koto: Rodukan
3 Beck: Hollywood Freaks
4 the Grooop: Talkative – beach version
5 Chief Baonoko and men recorded by Hugh Tracey: Yando
6 Perotin – Veni Creator Spiritus –
7 Compositie Hans Hasebos: Domestic voor Jörgen van Rijen
8 Stravinsky: slot Le sacre du printemps
9 Beatles: She said She said

1 Hans Hasebos, Kees van der Zwaard: Buiten wonen
2 Yonekawa Toshiko, Koto: Rodukan
3 Beck: Hollywood Freaks
4 the Grooop: Talkative – beach version
5 Chief Baonoko and men recorded by Hugh Tracey: Yando
6 Perotin – Veni Creator Spiritus –
7 Compositie Hans Hasebos: Domestic voor Jörgen van Rijen
8 Stravinsky: slot Le sacre du printemps
9 Beatles: She said She said







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