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Northern Lights

tue 14 jan 2025 22:00 hrs
Composer: Herman D. Koppel

Scandinavian and Baltic music

Our musical exploration in Northern Lights isn’t limited by style or fame: we listen to the old and certainly the new, to the familiar and the unknown, surprising you with new discoveries. We will cover the entire spectrum of classical music and crossover.

Today: the finest folk music from Estonia and dark biblical songs from Danish composer Herman D. Koppel.


  1. Leana.Island & Kulno Malva
    Album: ööLooD (Night Stories) (2024)
    Uus Võõras (New Stranger)
  2. Leana.Island & Kulno Malva
    Album: ööLooD (Night Stories) (2024)

    1. Koit
    2. Päriselt
    3. Aeg
    4. Maailmaruum
    5. Poole
    6. Hingelaul
    7. Sügis
    8. Kuu Laulab Kudrustega
    9. Torm-Hällilaul 

  3. Herman D. Koppel
    Herman D. Koppel Edition Vol. 4 (2024)
    Fire gammeltestamentlige sange op. 49 (1949)
    Andrea Pellegrini (mezzo-soprano)
    Christiaan Westergaard (piano)
    Dacapo DA2026
Produced by:
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