This hour features a new, special CD with early music. In April 2017, the album CD ‘Il Cembalo di Partenope’ by harpsichord player Catalina Vicens was released.
The newly released album of harpsichord player Catalina Vicens is a unique project in many ways. The instrument she plays, is the oldest playable harpsichord, owned by the National Music Museum in Vermillion, USA.
Catalina Vicens plays music from Naples from the time the instrument was built, around 1525.
An nice bonus is that the album is accompanied by a free download of Catalina’s fictitious story of the creation and life of the instrument, partly based on fact, partly made up by Catalina, who was inspired while playing the instrument.
Antonio Valente (ca.1535-1601)
1. Fantasia del primo tono (Intavolatura de cimbalo, 1576)

Catalina Vicens bespeelt het oudst speelbare klavecimbel
Vincenzo Capirola (1474-after 1548)
2. La villanella
Antonio Valente
3. Gagliarda napolitana
Antonio de Cabezón (1510-1566)
4. Obra sobre cantus firmus
Bartolomeo Tromboncino (ca.1470-ca.1535)
5. Amor, quando fioriva mia speme
Ranier (early 16th century) / Andrea Antico
6. Me lasserà tu mo
Joan Ambrosio Dalza (1508)
7. Calata alla spagnola
Bartolomeo Tromboncino
8. Poi che volse la mia stella
Joan Ambrosio Dalza
9. Pavane alla ferrarese
Marchetto Cara (ca.1470-ca.1525)
10. Cantai mentre nel core
11. Per dolor mi bagno il viso
Bartolomeo Tromboncino
12. Che farala, che dirala
Marc’Antonio Cavazzoni (ca.1485-1560)
13. Recercada di mã ca in bologna
14. Plus de regres (Cavazzoni/Desprez)
Claudio Veggio (ca.1510-ca.1543)
15. Vi’ recercada (Villano?)
16. Recercada per b quadro
17. Tant que vivray (Claudin de Sermisy/Veggio)
Fabricio Dentice (ca.1530-1601)
18. Volta de spagna
Philippe de Monte (1521-1603)/A. Valente
19. Sortemplus disminuita (Sortez mes pleurs)
Adrian Willaert (1490-1562)/A. Valente
20. Chi la dirra (Qui la dira)
Bartolomeo Tromboncino
21. Stavasi amor dormen
Catalina Vicens, harpsichord (anonymous Napels, ca. 1525)
(CD: ‘Il Cembalo di Partenope’, Carpe Diem Records, CD 16312, 2017)
Catalina Vicens plays ‘Poi che volse la mia stella’ by Tromboncino: