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Nuove Musiche

mon 18 feb 2019 18:00 hrs
Composer: John Plummer

This hour features a new, special CD with early music. The veneration of Mary in the 15th century: The Lily & the Rose by the Binchois Consort conducted by Andrew Kirkman.


John Dunstaple (ca. 1390-1453)
1. Ave Maris Stella
2. Gaude virgo salutata/Gaude virgo singularis/Virgo mater comprobaris/Ave gemma celi
3. Sancta Maria, succurre miseris

Walther Frye († for June 1475)
4. Kyrie ‘So ys emprentid

Guillaume Le Rouge (fl. ca. 1450-1465)
5. Stella celi extirpavit/ (so ys emprentid)

(John?) Fowler (fl. ca. 1460)
6. O quam Glorifica

John Plummer (ca. 1410-ca. 1484)
7. Anna Mater matris Christi

Walther Frye († for June 1475)
8. Missa Flos regalis
– Gloria
– Credo
– Sanctus en Benedictus
– Agnus Dei

Binchois Consort conducted by Andrew Kirkman
(CD The Lily & the Rose, Hyperion CDA 68228, 2018)

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