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Nuove Musiche

thu 19 dec 2024 19:00 hrs

In Nuove Musiche we present new CD’s of early music, with in this episode: ‘Stile Nuovo, Christmas and vesper music’ from Christoph Sätzl, Johann Stadlmayer and their Italian contemporaries.

Leo August De Bock chose for this episode the double CD ‘Stile Nuovo, Weihnachts- und Vespermusik’, from Christoph Sätzl, Johann Stadlmayer and their Italian contemporaries. These contemporaries – like Claudio Monteverdi and Alessandro Grandi – and the innovations they introduced, had great influence on their colleagues, particularly in Germany and Austria.

In the Renaissance, all musical parts in a composition had equal importance, until the introduction of the basso continuo brought about a big change. With basso continuo, literally ‘continuous bass’, the basis of the harmony is formed by this improvised, embellishing and supplementing play. It had an enormous success; the new type of church music was characterised by the varying number of melody lines, set contrasts and a musicality entirely focused on the lyrics. It swiftly gained popularity in Southern Germany and Austria, and was called Stile Nuovo (‘new style’), like the title of the CD.

Chistoph Sätzl was one of the first composers that became succesful with this musical style.

Reinhild Waldek, harp ©Reinhild Waldek





Christoph Sätzl (1592-1655)

Puer Natus in Bethlehem

Jacopo Finetti (+1630)

Gloria in excelsis Deo

Orfeo Vecchi (1551-1603)

Angelus ad pastores ait

Bernardo Storace (unknown)


Christoph Sätzl

Resonet in laudibus

Vicenzeo Pace

Hodie nobis de coelo pax vera descendit

Johann Stadlmayer (ca. 1580-1648)

Quis mutuos amores

Bernardo Storace

Passagagli for harpsichord

Christoph Sätzl

Videntes stellam magi


Alessandro Carmignani and Andrea Arrivabene (countertenor), Vincenzo Di Donato and Louco Dordolo (tenor), Marcello Vargetto (bass) from Ensemble Odhecaton, conducted by Paolo da Col.
Reinhild Waldek (baroque harp) and Peter Waldner (harpsichord and organ).

CD: Stile Nuovo, CD13040 Tiroler Landesmuseen 2019



Cover photo shows Peter Waldner © Peter Waldner


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