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Organ Work

mon 12 feb 2018 19:00 hrs
Composers: Anoniem | Susanne van Soldt

Early music played on authentic organs, compiled by Hans Beek. In the 71st broadcast of Organ Work we’ll be hearing organ sounds from the Middle Ages and then organ music from the early Baroque in an acquaintance with the smaller organs on the countryside of North Germany.


We will hear how the transition of the Gothic art to the Renaissance and Early Baroque in particular must have happened and how the development of organ music came about.

From Buxheimer Orgelbuch (approx. 1450):
1. Glockenläuten
2. Redeuntes in idem
3. Wolhin laß vöglein sorgen
4. Portigaler
5. Vil lieber Zit uff diser Erde
6. Kyriel(eyson) Angelicum – Christeleyson – Ultimum Kyriel(eyson)
7. Praembulum Super C
8. Praembulum Super Mi
9. Redeuntes in mi
10. Allegalea
11. Praembulum Super D
12. Gaudeamus (omnes in Domino)
13. Ellend du hast umbfangen mich
14. Sequitur adhuc semel Ellend und Jamer

Joseph Kelemen, organ Soest-Ostönnen
(CD OC 645)

Susanne van Soldt, H. Speuy and C. Goudimel
15. Psalm 42
J.P. Sweelinck (1562-1621)
16. Psalm 116
Anonymous (16th century)
17. Brabanschen Rondendans

Harald Vogel, organ Basedow
(CD personal management)


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