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Organ Work

Early music played on authentic organs. In episode 143 of Organ Work we will listen to a concert that was recorded in 2023 in the North German town of Norden featuring organist Peter Westerbrink. He performed unknown works from the Early North German Baroque era. After this, we will hear Jan Kleinbussink perform on the same organ.

Anonymous (from manuscript KN207 Lüneburg)
01. Preludium
Michael Preatorius (1571-1621)
02. Christ unser Herr zum Jodan kam
03. Brande de Village
04. Branle double
05. Courante
Melchior Schildt (1592-1667)
06. Magnificat 1 modi

Peter Westerbrink, Schnitger-organ Norden
Recording: 5 July 2023, Norden, tech: Hans Beek, Concertzender

Andreas Kneller (1649-1724)
07. Preludium in d
Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707)
08. Chiaconne in e

Jan Kleinbussink, organ Norden
(cd Ars Organi 1152052, 1988)


Pictured: the organ in Norden (source: Boston Organ Studio)

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