Palace of Nostalgia | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Palace of Nostalgia

sat 28 feb 2015 13:00 hrs
Composer: Frank Sinatra

Jazz, blues and nostalgia.

‘Back in the old days,’ Frank Sinatra said, ‘a man would look for a woman who could cook as his mother.Nowadays he gets one who can drink like his father.’One hour of music about the pleasures and problems that come with alcohol, drugs, coffee and nicotine.The shiny side: ‘a happy smoker is not a troublemaker.’ as well as the difficult aspects: being nights awake smoking at home or drinking alone in a bar.And: the veiled language in for example the song about ‘spinache’, where in fact the song was about drugs.
With: The Four Freshmen, Blue Lue Barker, Peggy Lee, Julia Lee & Her Boyfriends, Frank Sinatra, Nat ‘King’ Cole, Robert Mitchum, Red Ingle & The Natural Seven, Nina Simone and Vaughn Monroe & The Norton Sisters.

Producer and presenter:
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