…….. muziek van een andere planeet. Een veelzijdig en alternatief programma met veelal onbekende muziek. (aflevering #151).
01. Clare and the Reasons. Pluto-tune. (Muldaur/Manchon). Fargo FR21151.
02. Electric Youth. Before Life. (idem).
(album: Innerworld). Secretly Canadian SC319.
03. Electric Youth. We are the Youth. (idem).
(album: Innerworld). Secretly Canadian SC319.
04. David Kilgour&the Heavy Eights. Some things you don’t get back.
(album: End Times Undone). Merge Records MRG519.
05. Hollie Cook. “99”.
(album: Twice).
06. PJ Harvey. The Guest Room. Promo.
07. Big Ups. Justice.
(album: 18 hours of static).
08. Sinkane. New Name.
(album: Mean Love). City Slang, Slang 50068P.
09. Sound of Yell. Sated Eyrie. (Stevie Jones).
(album: Brocken Spectre). Chem215CD.
10. Sleater-Kinney. The day, I went away.
(album: Start together). Sub Pop PRO222.
11. Sylvan Esso. Coffee. Promo.
12. Holly Herndon. Home. Promo.
13. Houndmouth. Long as you’re at home. (Matt Myers).
(album: From The Hills Below The City). Rough Trade RTRADCD662.
14. Wunder, Wunder. Wonderfull Way.
(album: Everything infinite). Dovecote Records / DCR0062P.
15. Tim Burgess. Oh men. Promo.
16. Tindersticks. Piano Music. (Tindersticks).
(album: Falling down a mountain). 4ADCAD 3X02. (Eindtune)