Radio Monalisa | Concertzender | Classical, Jazz, World and more
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Radio Monalisa

sun 18 may 2014 11:00 hrs

Women composers: classical, jazz and contemporary.
Programming & presentation: Patricia Werner Leanse.

1. Vera Kappeler (Switzerland,1974).
Tor III (2013), for toy piano and drums.
2. Pauline Viardot (France, 1821-1910).
Scene d’Hermoine (1848), art song.
3. Penka Kouneva (Bulgaria, 1967).
It won’t be the same river (1997), for flute, cello and vibraphone.
4. Mary Howe (Virginia, 1882-1964).
Meilied (1959), art song.
5. Iet Stants (Holland, 1903-1968).
String Quartet Nr. 2 (1922).
6. Erykah Badu (Texas, 1971).
Rimshot (1997).
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