Theme: Pain in beauty.
This is a repeat of November 23, 2014.
1. Johann Sebastian Bach.
Andante from Concerto in a.
The Academy of Ancient Music directed by Andrew Manze.
2. Mabriano de Orto. Lamentio Jeremiae.
Huelgas Ensemble directed by Paul van Nevel.
3. Johann Sebastian Bach.
Adagio from Concert in E.
The Academy of Ancient Music – Andrew Manze.
4. Tiburtio Masaino.
Musica super Thronos Jeremiae.
Huelgas Ensemble – Paul van Nevel.
5. Johann Sebastian Bach.
Largo ma non Troppo from Concerto in d.
The Academy of Ancient Music – Andrew Manze.
6. Orlando di Lasso. Lamentio Prima.
Huelgas Ensemble – Paul van Nevel.
7. Johann Sebastian Bach.
Adagio from Concerto in d.
The Academy of Ancient Music – Andrew Manze.