mon 27 jan 2014 10:00 hrs
Composers: Arnold Schoenberg | Carlo Gesualdo da Venosa | Claudio Monteverdi | Eric Vloeimans | George Crumb | Igor Stravinsky
Theme: perception within the theme ‘sound impression’
- Saya Terkesan – Eric Vloeimans / ensemble Fugimundi
- Farewell Song – singing shaman from northern Siberia
- Toute clarté en Dame doucement – codex Chantilly / Tetraktys
- Two songs of Shamans
- Itene, O miei sospiri – Gesualdo / La Venexiana
- Messaggera ed Orfeo – Claudio Monteverdi / Marco Beasly with Accordone
- Orpheus weeps for Eurydice – Igor Strawinsky / K.C.O. directed by Neeme Järvi
- Sometimes I feel like a Motherless Child – George Crumb / Barbara Ann Martin
- Friede auf Erden – Arnold Schönberg / Südfunk-Chor Stutgart
- Itene, O miei Sospiri