Vrouwelijke componisten: klassiek, jazz, hedendaags – gekozen en gepresenteerd door Patricia Werner Leanse.
1. Fanny Mendelssohn (Germany, 1805-1847). August (1841), for solo piano.
2. Poldowski (Belgium, 1879-London, 1932). a. Circomspection (1913). b. Brume (1912). c. Mandoline (1911), art songs set to poems by Paul Verlaine.
3. Johanna Senfter (Germany, 1879-1961) [zie foto]. Concerto in c minor, for two violins and string orchestra, opus 40.
4. Margaret Bonds (Chicago, 1913-1972). Sit down servant (1972), spiritual.
5. Rebecca Clarke (UK, 1886-1979). a. Midsummer Moon (1924), for violin and piano. b. The Aspidistra (1929), art song.
6. Kasia Glowicka (Poland, 1977). Red Sun (2014), for piano and computer.
7. Keyla McCalla (New York, 1985). a. The Capitalist Blues. b. Aleppo (2019), blues.