A vegetable stew with different ingredients

16:01 In a sentimental mood
Abdullah Ibrahim |
16:07 Water from an ancient well
Abdullah Ibrahim |
16:16 Who are you, really?
Technically acceptable
Ethan Iverson |
16:19 The Chicago style
Technically acceptable
Ethan Iverson |
16:22 Promenade 1
Exposición : Mussorgsky & Beytelmann
Quinteto Respiro |
16:24 Gnomus
Exposición : Mussorgsky & Beytelmann
Quinteto Respiro |
16:26 Promenade 2
Exposición : Mussorgsky & Beytelmann
Quinteto Respiro |
16:28 Il vecchio castello
Exposición : Mussorgsky & Beytelmann
Quinteto Respiro |
16:30 Promenade 3
Exposición : Mussorgsky & Beytelmann
Quinteto Respiro |
16:31 Tuileries. Disputes d’efants après jeux
Exposición : Mussorgsky & Beytelmann
Quinteto Respiro |
16:33 Bydlo
Exposición : Mussorgsky & Beytelmann
Quinteto Respiro |
16:36 Promenade 4
Exposición : Mussorgsky & Beytelmann
Quinteto Respiro |
16:37 Le ballet des poussins dans leurs coques
Exposición : Mussorgsky & Beytelmann
Quinteto Respiro |
16:39 Samuel Goldenberg et Schmuyle
Exposición : Mussorgsky & Beytelmann
Quinteto Respiro |
16:41 Raoui
Melancholy in the polder
Carel Kraayenhof & Leoni Jansen |
16:45 When a mother weeps
Melancholy in the polder
Carel Kraayenhof & Leoni Jansen |
16:49 Alfonsina y el mar
Melancholy in the polder
Carel Kraayenhof & Leoni Jansen |
16:53 Verdade no silêncio
Viver e viver
FADOpelos2 |
16:57 Canto de madrugada
Viver e viver
FADOpelos2 |