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Roaming the Renaissance

sat 19 nov 2022 11:00 hrs
Composers: Madonna | Philippe Verdelot

This episode focuses on one composer: Adrian Willaert. All works originate from one volume: ‘Musica Nova’, printed in 1559.

This episode focuses on one composer: Adrian Willaert. All works originate from one volume: ‘Musica Nova’, printed in 1559.

Remarkably, ‘Musica Nova’ includes both motets and madrigals. This was unusual because buyers of collections of spiritual works – such as cathedrals and chapels – were not interested in madrigals.
‘Musica Nova’ was therefore not intended for liturgical use but to be performed at home or with friends.
The works were probably initially intended for performance by exiles from Florence, who had fled their city because of their opposition to the Medici dynasty.

Adrian Willaert (c. 1490-1562)
1. Audite insulae
2. Haec est domus Domini
3. Te Deum Patrem ingenitum
4. Beati pauperes spiritu
Singer Pur
(CD: “Musica Nova – The Motets” – Oehms OC 835, 2012)

5. Quando fra l’altre donne
6. Quest’anima gentil
7. I begli occhi
8. Occhi piangete, accompagnate il core
9. Amor, Fortuna
10. Che fai alma? che pensi?
Singer Pur
(CD: “Musica Nova – The Madrigals” – Oehms OC 814, 2009)

Philippe Verdelot (c. 1480/85-1530/32?), arr. Adrian Willaert
11. Madonna, qual certezza
Gaetano Nasillo, viola da gamba. Massimo Lonardi, lute
(CD: “Intavolature dei Madrigali di Verdelot” – Stradivarius Str 33325, 1995)


On image: Adrian Willaert

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