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sun 13 aug 2017 19:00 hrs

A musical serial. Episode 63: Gonklang.

00:00 Sensenta Intro #1

00:37 Verena Jenny – Gonklang 1
+ Raras Budaja – Gangsaran Kagok Liwing-Roning Tewang
+ Ruiter en Tillman – Track 01
+ Brian Eno – Changes for January 07003
+ Brian Eno – Fixed Ratio Harmonic Bells
+ Wagenmakers – Klankschalenreis

28:17 Éliane Radigue – Islas Resonantes

33:53 Yoshio Karuhashi – Shakuhachi Track 205
(Recorded by Concertzender, 22 March 2007, Kleine Zaal KIT)

39:54 Éliane Radigue – Islas Resonantes
+ Fragments from the film Baraka

46:57 Wagenmakers – Klankschalenreis
+ Verena Jenny – Gonklang 3

53:44 Fragments from the film Baraka
+ Raras Budaja – Gangsaran Kagok Liwing-Roning Tewang
+ Wagenmakers – Klankschalen-reis
+ Yoshio Kurahashi – Het ruisen van een mistige oceaan
(Recorded by Concertzender, 22 March 2007, Kleine Zaal KIT)
+ Éliane Radigue – Islas Resonantes
+ Verena Jenny – Gonklang 3

Sensenta is a programme about long attention spans. Every episode slowly changes hue, and every next episode picks up where the last one left off. This creates a musical serial, a chain of episodes, touching on different genres at it goes. You’re welcome to join in and give us your opinion. Where should this chain go next? Send us an e-mail at, or follow Sensenta on social media.

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